When I found Bitcoin it became an obsession I wanted to learn as much as I could about it so started reading, listening to podcasts got into twitter and continue learning from where these people had been in their bitcoin Journey thru this process I learned about the Seedsigner and Blockmit projects among others, but these two captured me because of their use cases.
Seedsigner is an air-gapped bitcoin transaction signing device that you build yourself with off the shelf components keeping your private keys secured as these do not get stored on the device.
Blockmit is a jig that helps you neatly back up your wallet seed by stamping them in metal using stainless steel washers, keeping your seed safe from fire, water, rust etc. making it extremely easy to recover your wallet when the need arises.
The problem that I had is that both of these required 3D printed parts in the case of Seedsigner project the case that keeps it all together and protects your electronics as for the Blockmit project the actual jig is 3D printed, at the time I did not have the means to 3D print these parts so I ask a friend to have them printed for me when he gave me these parts and held them in my hands I knew this was something that I also wanted to learn and get into so that I could 3D print my own stuff for these and other projects.
So I got a printer and to keep things short the more I printed the more I wanted to print soon started creating some cases/holders to protect my hardware wallets etc. things kept evolving and towards the end of ’21 I created BTCwares.com to make available the things that I have created and able to print to others that would like to get involved with projects like Seedsigner, Blockmit and other that may require 3D printed parts or protect their hardware.
AT BTCwares.com we offer seedsigner open pill and orange pill cases to help with your build and for the Blockmit project we offer the blockmit V3 stamp jig as well as a complete kit containing everything you need to keep your seed safe.
Please check us out at BTCwares.com and browse our products, also don’t forget to visit the Seedsigner and Blockmit projects to learn more get involved and get building.